Structure 3D: Online Structural Analysis

Structure 3D: Online Structural Analysis


Structure 3D is available in beta version. This application allows you to compute the stresses and displacements of a structure subjected to external loads, directly in the web browser and through a 3D interface. Therefore, there is no need to install it on your device, as it is directly accessible by connecting to TriDyme.

Modelisation of a structure with Structure 3D

To access Structure 3D, all you have to do is going to the TriDyme's store, which offers all the available civil engineering's applications, and clicking on Structure 3D.

TriDyme Store

Once on the application, you can model the structure by defining :

Structure 3D Inputs Example : a bridge modelling with its apron and its piles

In order to calculate the node displacements, the reactions and the loads in the members, you click on Analysis. The calculation is performed on Cloud servers which are giving back the results when the analysis is over.

Structure 3D Outputs

Structural Analysis

Structure 3D allows to design several structures in the same model:

2 Structures

The algorithm will build a rigidity matrix for every system, enabling the user to compare several solutions.

Opportunities and evolution

Structure 3D is joining the TriDyme store and allows its users to calculate the displacements and stresses in a structure.

Applications such as Steel Section (coming soon) and Concrete Section are taking over, enabling you to check the steel and concrete sections' resistance, subject to the loads calculated with Structure 3D.

As regards Structure 3D, lots of functionalities are coming soon, including :

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Althéa Escaich